If you remember a couple of weeks ago we spoke about the amygdala and its importance in regulating emotions. How would you feel if we told you that through EEG neurofeedback you could retrain your brain to be more fearless?
Sounds pretty cool right?
Well thanks to recent advancements in the technology of neurofeedback targeting the amygdala and other deeper areas of the brain is more feasible. Previously only functional MRI’s (fMRI) was the main way people received treatment. However, fMRI is very expensive and not as responsive as EEG neurofeedback.
So think about your friends and family… think about yourself. Is anyone struggling with fear-based disorders such as: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety or similar conditions? Neurofeedback could be right for you.
Talk to one of our specialists about receiving treatment for fear-based disorders and other conditions by contacting us or calling (630) 969-3233 today.
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