Monitoring cognitive health is essential for promoting cognitive resilience, identifying cognitive changes early, and implementing personalized strategies to optimize cognitive function and well-being across the lifespan. It empowers individuals to take an active role in preserving their cognitive health and maintaining quality of life as they age.

While there are many different reasons to measure cognitive health, let’s take a look at the most important ones.

Promoting Brain Resilience & Neuroplasticity

Regular cognitive engagement, mental stimulation, and challenging activities promote brain resilience and neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt and reorganize in response to experiences and stimuli. By monitoring cognitive health and engaging in activities that promote brain fitness, individuals can enhance cognitive reserve and protect against age-related cognitive decline.

Optimizing Brain Health & Functioning

Monitoring cognitive health promotes awareness of factors that contribute to optimal brain health and functioning, including nutrition, exercise, sleep quality, stress management, social engagement, cognitive stimulation, and mental health. By adopting lifestyle habits that support brain health, individuals can enhance cognitive resilience and maintain cognitive vitality as they age.

Tracking Cognitive Changes

Monitoring cognitive health allows individuals and healthcare providers to track changes in cognitive function over time. This longitudinal assessment can provide valuable insights into patterns of cognitive decline, progression of neurological conditions, or response to interventions, enabling personalized treatment planning and adjustments.

Identifying Risk Factors

Cognitive assessments can help identify risk factors associated with cognitive decline, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, smoking, and sedentary lifestyle. By addressing modifiable risk factors and promoting healthy behaviors, individuals can take proactive steps to preserve cognitive function and reduce their risk of cognitive impairment.

Early Detection of Cognitive Decline

Regular cognitive assessments can help detect subtle changes in cognitive function that may indicate early signs of cognitive decline or neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment. Early detection allows for timely intervention and management strategies to help slow the progression of cognitive decline.

Personalized Planning

Cognitive assessments help inform personalized treatment planning and interventions tailored to the individual’s specific cognitive strengths, weaknesses, and needs. This individualized approach ensures that interventions target areas of impairment or decline while capitalizing on cognitive reserves and protective factors.

Enhancing Quality of Life

Preserving cognitive health is essential for maintaining independence, functional abilities, and overall quality of life as individuals age. By monitoring cognitive health and addressing cognitive impairments early, individuals can optimize their ability to perform daily activities, participate in social interactions, and engage in meaningful activities.

Facilitating Communication & Planning

Monitoring cognitive health facilitates open communication between individuals, families, and healthcare providers about cognitive changes, concerns, and goals. It allows for informed decision-making, advance care planning, and discussions about long-term care options, ensuring that individuals receive the support and resources they need as cognitive function changes.

Neurofeedback Training at NHA

Here at Neurohealth Associates, we specialize in Neurofeedback training. Neurofeedback may be helpful for training your mind, especially if you are unsure about putting yourself or your child on medication. This easy, noninvasive training can painlessly improve your mental health condition and outlook on life. Schedule a consultation with NeuroHealth Associates today and find out how we can help you.

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What Our Clients Are Saying

Julia W

Teachers made huge comments on his math skills and behavior. I also saw this at home with understanding of what I said to him registering more with him. I saw this in his eyes: recognition. Fewer outbursts of anger.

Anita M

I am extremely happy with my son’s outcomes and feel very fortunate to have encountered Dr. Bonesteel early in my child’s life. This method has dramatically changed his ability to focus and take initiative. I feel confident that my son’s life has been dramatically enhanced. I can’t express my appreciation fully in words.

Mary B

Dr. Bonesteel has masterfully, compassionately, and extremely kindly helped me navigate through a history of childhood and marital abuse, a child with twenty years of struggle with life-threatening physical and emotional illness, extended family discord, and disharmony with my child with severe depression. I am blessed to have found Neurohealth Associates.


Overall, excellent experience. Very happy with Dr B and staff is wonderful. We feel like we have our family life back!


I am very thankful this technology was available for my training. I was extremely satisfied with all aspects of my training protocols.




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