Neurofeedback training can help reduce anxiety and depression by teaching the brain to self-regulate and promote healthier brainwave patterns. It can be used alongside other therapies for a more holistic approach to treatment.

Neurofeedback training is a type of biofeedback that helps individuals learn to regulate their brain activity, and it has been increasingly used as an alternative or complementary approach to treating anxiety and depression. Let’s take a look at how neurofeedback training can help fight the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Training for Dysregulated Brain Activity

Research suggests that people with anxiety often have overactivity in certain brain regions, such as the amygdala, which is responsible for fear and stress responses. Neurofeedback can help reduce this hyperactivity, training the brain to remain calmer in stressful situations.

Individuals with depression tend to have low activity in regions associated with positive mood regulation, such as the prefrontal cortex. Neurofeedback can stimulate underactive areas to promote healthier emotional processing and mood balance.

Brainwave Self-Regulation

Neurofeedback works by providing real-time feedback on brainwave activity using electroencephalography (EEG). Certain brainwave patterns are associated with anxiety (e.g., high beta waves) and depression (e.g., low alpha or theta waves). By training to increase or decrease specific brainwave activity, individuals can learn to regulate their mood and emotional state.

Drug-Free/Non-Invasive Training

Neurofeedback offers a non-pharmacological alternative for managing anxiety and depression, which can be appealing to people who may have concerns about medication side effects or who want to complement their treatment with other methods. Over time, it may lead to lasting changes in brain function that can improve emotional well-being.

Long-Term Training Benefits

Studies have shown that neurofeedback can produce long-lasting improvements in symptoms of anxiety and depression by creating more balanced brain activity. As the brain learns to self-regulate, individuals may experience reduced anxiety, improved mood, and better-coping mechanisms.

Customized/Individual Training Programs

Each neurofeedback session is customized based on the individual’s brainwave patterns, so it targets specific areas of dysfunction unique to their condition. This personalized approach can be particularly effective for managing the diverse ways anxiety and depression manifest in different people.

Improved Cognitive Function & Sleep

Many individuals with anxiety and depression struggle with sleep issues and cognitive impairments (e.g., poor concentration, and memory issues). Neurofeedback has been found to enhance sleep quality and cognitive performance, which are often compromised in these conditions.

Mind-Body Connection

By improving brainwave regulation, neurofeedback promotes better emotional control, reduces stress reactivity, and enhances overall mental resilience. This strengthened mind-body connection can help individuals feel more in control of their emotions and physical symptoms associated with anxiety and depression.

Neurofeedback Training at NHA

Here at Neurohealth Associates, we specialize in Neurofeedback training. Neurofeedback may be helpful for training your mind, especially if you are unsure about putting yourself or your child on medication. This easy, noninvasive training can painlessly improve your mental health condition and outlook on life. Schedule a consultation with NeuroHealth Associates today and find out how we can help you.

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Julia W

Teachers made huge comments on his math skills and behavior. I also saw this at home with understanding of what I said to him registering more with him. I saw this in his eyes: recognition. Fewer outbursts of anger.

Anita M

I am extremely happy with my son’s outcomes and feel very fortunate to have encountered Dr. Bonesteel early in my child’s life. This method has dramatically changed his ability to focus and take initiative. I feel confident that my son’s life has been dramatically enhanced. I can’t express my appreciation fully in words.

Mary B

Dr. Bonesteel has masterfully, compassionately, and extremely kindly helped me navigate through a history of childhood and marital abuse, a child with twenty years of struggle with life-threatening physical and emotional illness, extended family discord, and disharmony with my child with severe depression. I am blessed to have found Neurohealth Associates.


Overall, excellent experience. Very happy with Dr B and staff is wonderful. We feel like we have our family life back!


I am very thankful this technology was available for my training. I was extremely satisfied with all aspects of my training protocols.




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