People with learning disorders differ from those without learning disorders in several ways, particularly in how they process information, approach learning tasks, and perform academically. Learning disorders, also known as learning disabilities, are neurological conditions that affect the brain’s ability to receive, process, store, and respond to information. These differences can impact various areas, including reading, writing, mathematics, and other cognitive functions. 

Let’s take a look at the key differences between individuals with learning disorders and those without:

Cognitive Differences

Information Processing

People with Learning Disorders

  • Often have difficulty processing information quickly and accurately. This can affect their ability to understand spoken or written language, leading to challenges in reading comprehension or following instructions.
  • May struggle with tasks that require the integration of multiple pieces of information, such as complex problem-solving or critical thinking.

People without Learning Disorders

  • Typically process information more efficiently and accurately, enabling them to understand and respond to instructions and tasks more quickly.
  • Are better able to integrate and synthesize information for problem-solving and decision-making.

Memory Function

People with Learning Disorders

  • Often experience difficulties with working memory, affecting their ability to hold and manipulate information in their minds for short periods.
  • May have trouble with short-term or long-term memory, leading to challenges in retaining information or recalling facts.

People without Learning Disorders

  • Generally have more effective working memory, allowing them to manage and manipulate information for complex tasks.
  • Typically have better short-term and long-term memory retention and recall.

Attention and Focus

People with Learning Disorders

  • May have trouble maintaining attention on tasks, especially those that require sustained mental effort or are not immediately engaging.
  • Often struggle with distractibility, leading to difficulty completing tasks or following through on assignments.

People without Learning Disorders

  • Typically maintain focus and attention on tasks more easily, allowing for more consistent task completion.
  • Are better able to filter out distractions and maintain concentration.

Language Processing

People with Learning Disorders

  • May experience challenges in understanding and using language, such as difficulty with phonological processing, vocabulary, or grammar.
  • Often struggle with reading, writing, or oral language tasks, affecting academic performance.

People without Learning Disorders

  • Generally have more effective language processing skills, enabling them to understand and use language accurately.
  • Typically perform well in reading, writing, and oral language tasks.

Behavioral Differences

Task Avoidance and Frustration

People with Learning Disorders

  • May avoid tasks they find challenging or frustrating, such as reading, writing, or math assignments.
  • Often experience frustration or anxiety related to academic tasks, leading to avoidance or disengagement.

People without Learning Disorders

  • Are more likely to approach challenging tasks with confidence and persistence.
  • Experience less frustration or anxiety related to academic tasks.

Effort and Motivation

People with Learning Disorders

  • May struggle with motivation and effort, especially if they have experienced repeated failures or setbacks in academic tasks.
  • Often require additional support and encouragement to stay motivated and engaged in learning.

People without Learning Disorders

  • Generally have more intrinsic motivation and persistence in academic tasks.
  • Are more likely to persevere through challenges and setbacks.

Organizational Skills

People with Learning Disorders

  • May struggle with organizational skills, affecting their ability to plan, prioritize, and manage tasks effectively.
  • Often have difficulty with time management and meeting deadlines.

People without Learning Disorders

  • Typically have strong organizational skills, allowing them to manage tasks and time effectively.
  • Are better able to plan and prioritize tasks to meet deadlines.

Neurofeedback Training & Learning Disorders

Neurofeedback training helps learning disorders by enhancing brainwave regulation and improving cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and processing speed. It provides real-time feedback to promote neural balance, facilitating better learning and information retention. The non-invasive approach supports academic performance by optimizing brain function and reducing learning-related challenges.

Neurofeedback Training at NHA

Here at Neurohealth Associates, we specialize in Neurofeedback training. Neurofeedback may be helpful for training your mind, especially if you are unsure about putting yourself or your child on medication. This easy, noninvasive training can painlessly improve your mental health condition and outlook on life. Schedule a consultation with NeuroHealth Associates today and find out how we can help you.

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What Our Clients Are Saying

Julia W

Teachers made huge comments on his math skills and behavior. I also saw this at home with understanding of what I said to him registering more with him. I saw this in his eyes: recognition. Fewer outbursts of anger.

Anita M

I am extremely happy with my son’s outcomes and feel very fortunate to have encountered Dr. Bonesteel early in my child’s life. This method has dramatically changed his ability to focus and take initiative. I feel confident that my son’s life has been dramatically enhanced. I can’t express my appreciation fully in words.

Mary B

Dr. Bonesteel has masterfully, compassionately, and extremely kindly helped me navigate through a history of childhood and marital abuse, a child with twenty years of struggle with life-threatening physical and emotional illness, extended family discord, and disharmony with my child with severe depression. I am blessed to have found Neurohealth Associates.


Overall, excellent experience. Very happy with Dr B and staff is wonderful. We feel like we have our family life back!


I am very thankful this technology was available for my training. I was extremely satisfied with all aspects of my training protocols.




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