NeuroHealth Pediatric is dedicated to helping children overcome the struggles that they encounter in daily life. Testing results allow us to not only arrive at a diagnosis, it also allows us to determine the exact brain related factors contributing to symptoms. Commonly, behavioral therapies, cognitive therapy, and/or EEG neurofeedback is implemented with typically excellent results. Medication consultation is available, via referral, when needed.
We offer drug free treatment. Attention-deficit drugs can increase concentration in the short term in some patients, which is why they can work for college students cramming for exams. Studies are not exactly clear, however, about the longer term academic-achievement related benefits and some children continue to have a host of problems despite taking the medication. These medications can also have serious side effects, including appetite suppression and insomnia. Studies that have explored neurofeedback as a treatment for ADD symptoms have generally been very positive which has lead the International Society for Neuronal Regulation to classify EEG Neurofeedback as a Level 1 treatment (most effective) for ADD and ADHD.
Learning Disorders & Mood Regulation problems (tantrums; emotional overreactions; depression)
Tantrums are one of the most common forms of “problem behavior” in young children but tend to decrease in frequency and intensity as the child grows older. For the toddler, ‘tantrums are normal…the force of the tantrum is a kind of measure of the strength of character the child can possess eventually, if he’s helped to harness that energy’.
While tantrums may be seen as a possible predictor of future psychological maladjustment, they can also be simply ‘a manifestation of a loss of control and frustration that your child doesn’t have the capacity to deal with – yet’; and so ‘with patience and a consistent reaction to tantrums, they’ll get fewer and farther between as your child grows. If they are not diminishing with maturation, then neuropsychological consultation is warranted to determine if there is a brain or behavioral reason for the mood problems.
Hyperactivity and Impulsivity
Hyperactivity and Impulsivity are the most noticeable symptoms associated with ADHD. Behaviors such as these often affect academic performance, home-life, and social relationships. ADHD is oftentimes associated with academic struggles, social issues, low self-esteem, and problems within the family unit. It is necessary that appropriate diagnosis and treatment can help a child overcome these problems and cope with the symptoms of ADHD
Oppositional Behavior
There is no “one factor” used to predict whether a child will develop oppositional behavior, and many different factors may contribute to children acting out. Children who have had a history of abuse, neglect, or trauma may show signs of oppositional behavior as a response to their experiences. Experiencing any kind of traumatic event increases a child’s probability of acting out, as they must cope with exigent feelings, thoughts, and memories. In some children, an imbalance in brain wave activity can be contributing to a child being “rigid” and “inflexible” in their approach to situaitons. Oppositional behavior may also develop when parents do not do well in teaching limitations or other social skills. Often, though, it has nothing to do with parenting and is part of the child’s temperament. Fortunately, neurofeedback and, in some cases, behavioral therapy can be very effective in allowing the child’s behavior to be more flexible, accommodating, and compliant.
Social-Emotional Disorders (Asperger’s Syndrome; High Functioning Autism)
Although Asperger’s syndrome is akin in some ways to autism — another, more severe type of PDD pervasive developmental disorder — there are some important differences. Children with Asperger’s syndrome characteristically function better than do those with autism. In addition, children with Asperger’s syndrome generally have typical intelligence and near-typical language development, although they may develop problems communicating as they get older.
Concussion/Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury – TBI/ Concussion/Brain Injury can cause a number of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral effects, and the recovery outcomes can range from complete recovery to permanent disability or death. Some of the current imaging techniques used for diagnosis and treatment include CT scans computed tomography and MRIs magnetic resonance imaging. Advanced neuropsychological testing and brain mapping can be helpful after the acute recovery phase has passed to help with treatment planning. Depending on the injury, treatment required may be minimal or may include interventions such as medications, cognitive therapies, neurorehabilitation, and EEG neurofeedback. There are many therapy options that can also be