8 year old female with ADHD and sensory issues
Pre-treatment: Significantly reduced attention scores at baseline, sensory symptoms and hyperactivity. Brain map revealed pattern of dysregulation as indicated in red.
Post Treatment: (after 23 neurofeedback training sessions, 11 weeks): Significantly improved attention scores, improved school performance, and improved ability to be calm. Brain map shows significant improvement as indicated by normalization of red areas.
21 year old male with anxiety and mood disorder
Pre-Treatment: Significant lack of motivation, heightened anxiety, difficulties falling asleep, and depressed mood. Brain map revealed patterns of dysregulation as indicated in the red and blue.
Post Treatment: (after 16 neurofeedback training sessions, 8 weeks): Markedly improved collegiate grades and motivation, improved ability to “let things go” and have a quiet mind, and improved attention scores. Brain map shows a significant improvement as indicated by normalization of red and blue areas.